Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tulip Festival

After two years of intending to go to the Skagit Valley Tulilp Festival, Jake and I finally bucked-up and did it! We threw our bikes in the car and headed up North to Mt. Vernon, WA. What should have been an hour drive took us much longer due to all of the weekend warrior traffic. Thankfully, we were thinking in advance and decided bike through the countryside to see the tulips, which sure beat the stop-and-go traffic on the country roads (no kidding - this is a hugely popular excursion for Americans and Canadians alike.) There were fields and fields of tulips in all different colors. I felt like we were in Holland! Enjoy!

(left) Jake puts new clip pedals on my bike! I got biking shoes and learned how to clip in and out on this trip. I was very proud of myself for not falling once! (right) A timer shot balanced from the handlebars of a bike. This was the first field we came to. We later found out that it was not yet in it's prime.

This field was a striking display of orange tulips from a distance. Up close they were red and yellow striped!

Jake poses in front of a field of red and yellow. Look closely in both these shots - you will see Mt. Baker poking over the surrounding hills. Mt. Baker is approximately 60 miles north east of Mt. Vernon.

(right) This rare field featured tulips and daffodils. The Daffodil fields had mostly been cut already. What a picturesque little barn! (right) Red tulip field and Mt. Baker

What a beautiful day! It was a feast for the senses.

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