Saturday, May 31, 2008

Golden Times at Golden Gardens

After a long winter of gray, gray, gray !*BAM*! The sun showed it's face in a big way. A few weeks ago the temperature climbed above 90 and those thick, drab Seattle clouds were but a distant memory. So what does a typical Seattlelite do in these circumstances? Call a few friends, gather the necessities, and head to the beach!

Heres the gang: Sanatan, Lesley, Patrick, and Sarah and Chrissy

We decided to head over to Golden Gardens Park, which is a beautiful sandy beach right on the Puget Sound. And as you can see, we are not the only ones who thought this was a good idea.

Where was Jake you ask? Off playing in the sand by himself, as usual...

Its a shame that we don't see the sun more often because the sunsets over the Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains are better than a seedless watermelon on a hot summer day.

This is a ship coming out of the Port of Seattle. With the Olympics as its backdrop, I am again reminded about the delicate balance between man and nature.

And to you Mr. Sailboat man, I salute you.

And with the moon as my guiding light, I traversed the entire city (east-west) by bike to finish off a stellar evening.

(cue music now) Good night sweetheart, well its time to go...

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